News // Rolling through Orion with Destructoid

By mhammill // April 2nd, 2015

Adam and I sat down last week to showcase some new gameplay features in the Orion constellation, and Destructoid’s got the video up now. New ships! New levels! New boss! Science!

News // PAX East, here we come!

By mhammill // March 3rd, 2015

This weekend Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime blasts off to Boston for PAX East! We’ll be showing off some new weapons and levels at booth 6165 in the Indie MEGABOOTH, which is always our favourite place at PAX. Come by and say hi!

Also, on Friday, March 6, we’ll be showing as part of Indie Games Live alongside a bunch of other awesome games at Guilt Boston, doors 8pm.

Hope to see you there!

Saferoom Warp

News // What’s update?

By mhammill // February 13th, 2015


Since starting on Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime we’ve kinda been measuring time in Valentine’s Days, and with another one about to roll past it’s time to take stock and show you guys where we’re at. It’s been a while since the last update. February also marks one year since we started working full-time on the game, so there’d better be some major progress!

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News // EMP’s Indie Game Revolution

By mhammill // November 26th, 2014


Since we started working on Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, we’ve been showing the game at as many events as we can, but one place we never expected it to end up in was a crazy amazing indie game museum exhibit.

Seattle’s EMP museum recently celebrated the opening of Indie Game Revolution, a gigantic playable exhibit-slash-arcade celebrating contemporary indie games, filled with info, interviews, and games, games, games. We’re honoured to have Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime be part of the show alongside wonderfulness like Tenya Wanya Teens, Monument Valley, Never Alone, Galak-Z, Gone Home, Papers Please, Quadrilateral Cowboy and tons more. Unfortunately we couldn’t make it across the continent for the opening, but Jacob McMurray from EMP sent us some terrific photos.

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News // Where to play Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: End of Summer Edition!

By jtucker // August 18th, 2014

It’s been quite a busy summer here at Asteroid Base. We’ve mostly been hunkering down on development to get as much done as we can on the game. We had to miss a few opportunities to exhibit the game over the summer, but Microsoft was kind enough to show the game on our behalf at the San Diego Comic Con and Gamescom, and we’re now looking forward to some upcoming events where you can play our latest build.


PAX Prime 2014, Seattle, August 29 – Sept 1:
You will be able to play Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime at booth 863 within the Indie MEGABOOTH area on the 4th floor. We will be debuting some super new content such as our latest constellation level and the new boss, Cetus!

Fangamer ♥︎ Attract Mode, Seattle, August 30 @ 7pm:
Fangamer and Attract Mode will be hosting another fabulous art/games/music party on the Saturday night of PAX and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime will be playable along with Particle Mace, as well as scores of great art.

Bit Bash, Chicago, September 6:
Hosted at the Threadless HQ in Chicago, Bit Bash is a celebration of international and local Chicago-made independent games.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime will be playable during the evening.

FILE Festival, São Paulo, August 26 – Sept 7:
FILE Festival is Brazil’s international festival for digital art/media. We’re pleased to be exhibiting Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime as a part of their programming for video games.

Retro Game Experience 2014, Hilversum, NL, Sept 12 – 14:
Retro Game Experience 2014 will feature an amazing arcade cabinet of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime custom made by Arcade Classics.
You can follow the project here.

Joypad Super Warehouse Party, London, UK, Sept 13:
Joypad Super Warehouse Gaming Party will feature a bunch of great multiplayer games including Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Sweet tunes will be provided by Chipzel, Alice Ant and Ensnare.

Pop up Arcade, Brighton, Sept 19:
The pop up arcade launch party will be taking place as part of Brighton Digital Festival. Not only will Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime be there, but also Gang Beasts. GANG BEASTS!

Fantastic Arcade, Austin, Sept 18 – 21:
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime will be a spotlight game at this year’s Fantastic Arcade, which means you’ll be able to play it on a sweet arcade machine!

News // E3 2014!

By jtucker // June 9th, 2014


Oh My Galaxy! Asteroid Base is in LA at E3 this week and Microsoft just announced that Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime will be coming to the Xbox One! We re-cut a trailer with new gameplay footage to celebrate.

If you’re at E3, come by the Microsoft booth in the West Hall and play Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime on the Xbox One.

If you’re following from home then you can tune into Twitch for some sweet Lovers livestreaming this week:

News // BIG Festival Win!

By jtucker // May 20th, 2014


Image courtesy of BIG Festival

Last week I had the amazing opportunity to fly down to São Paulo, Brazil to represent Asteroid Base at the Brazilian Independent Games Festival, where Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime was nominated for both the Best Gameplay and Best Game awards. The week was pretty great in and of itself, but then was made all the more crazy when Lovers won the award for Best Gameplay! Our fellow nominees included Nom Nom Galaxy, Bounden, Drei, and Blek.


BIG Festival award winners and judges. Image courtesy of BIG Festival

The festival itself was a mixture of B2B meetings, talks, awards show and playing games. The highlight for me was getting hands-on exposure to some really great games coming out of Brazil like Ninjin, Chroma Squad, Like a Boss! and Headblaster. I hope in the future they are able to showcase even more games from around Brazil and Latin America.

Finally I would like to give a big thanks to the organizers and judges for the honour of being nominated and winning the Best Gameplay award.

News // PAX East Round-Up

By jtucker // April 30th, 2014


PAX East. Wow!

It was probably the most successful show that we have done to date. By our numbers we had around five hundred play-throughs of the game, meaning almost a thousand people got to try it out while many more thousands watched.

The whole weekend was a roller coaster of emotions, starting from Thursday when we arrived in Boston and found out that our hotel gave away our reservation on us. We spent our set-up contemplating staying overnight in our booth, but thankfully after an out-pouring of love & support from Twitter we were able to secure a room in Cambridge.

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News // Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime @ PAX East

By jtucker // April 7th, 2014


Asteroid Base is landing in Boston and we will be demoing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime at PAX East via the Indie MEGABOOTH!

Stop by to play the newest build of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. We will be at booth #776 in the Indie MEGABOOTH area any time during PAX or make an appointment to talk by emailing

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 13.33.48

Lovers will also be playable Friday night at the Joyful Bewilderment party that is being presented by and Rogue Ruckus

  • Tickets $10
  • Friday April 11th, 8 PM to 1 AM
  • Central Wharf Co. – 160 Milk St, Boston, MA 02109 Night

News // Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Gold Egg!

By jtucker // April 2nd, 2014

gold egg project

Big news today – we’re happy to announce that Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime has been selected as the next game to be supported by the Gold Egg Project! This is a fund put together by the amazing people at The Behemoth, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Developing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime has been quite the experience for us here at Asteroid Base. We have been working on the game on and off since January 2012, and throughout most of that time we have been self-funding the game by doing a few days of external contract work each week. It was really great for the first year-and-a-half because it allowed us to not only be sustainable, but also afforded us the time to figure out the kind of game we wanted Lovers to be.

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